Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Optimize Your New LinkedIn Company Page in 7 Steps

LinkedIn has finally rolled out the new company pages to everyone.

New LinkedIn Company Page

Along with a bunch of little changes, there are a few major ones: The redesign itself, cover images, and the fact that company pages are now visible through the LinkedIn mobile and iPad apps.

LinkedIn Mobile Company Page

These hip new LinkedIn company pages are sort of like when smarty-pants Steve Urkel transformed into Stefan Urquelle thanks to his ?Cool Juice? DNA serum on ?Family Matters.? Still smart, but way smoother.

LinkedIn Urkel

All this means that now is a great time to optimize your company page, whether you?ve just created a page or you?re giving your page a check-up.?Let?s jump in.

Step 1: Optimize the basics

Start here if you haven?t already filled out the basic information on your business page.?Click ?Edit? in the upper-right.

LinkedIn Company Page Edit Button

You?ll then see the below fields: Company Type, Company Size, Company Website URL, Main Company Industry, Company Operating Status, and Year Founded. Make sure these are filled out as accurately as possible to give people the best sense of your business.

Edit Basic Information LinkedIn Company Page

Next, look just below all those fields and you?ll find ?Company Locations.? For local SEO purposes, make sure you?re entering the address of your business the same way across the Internet. If you have more than one location, click ?Add another location.?

Company Locations LinkedIn Company Page

Now scroll to the bottom of the page. Add a company description that?s at least a couple of sentences long and then add some of your company?s specialties.

Company Description and Specialties LinkedIn Company Page

Step 2: Optimize logos and the new cover image

  • Cover Image (646 x 200): Your cover image should represent your brand. For now, we?re just using our Facebook cover photo. If you?re worried about uploading an image larger than 646 x 200, rest assured that you can crop your image after uploading.
  • Standard Logo (60 x 60): The standard logo appears at the top of your company page. LinkedIn will lay the square logo you upload over a white rectangle, so we recommend using a logo that already has a white background so they match up. Otherwise, your logo will have an awkward cutoff like the example below from Mashable.
  • Square Logo (50 x 50): The square logo is used in network updates. For example, when someone sees a status update in their feed from your business.?Keep the square logo consistent with your standard logo.

Logos LinkedIn Company Page

Step 3: Add designated page admins

Adding company page admins makes it easier to keep your page updated. Of course, some type of a social media manager should have admin access along with possibly a designer and copywriter. To add them, just start typing their name and then click. If the person you?re looking for doesn?t show up, it?s likely because you aren?t connected to them yet.

Pages Admins LinkedIn Company Pages

Step 4: Post updates and target audiences

Try posting updates daily to keep people up-to-date with your company, or at least the industry your company is involved in. Here at Portent, we make it a habit to update our LinkedIn page with blog posts and events like our monthly webinars.

When posting an update, make sure the image doesn?t look like crap. If it does, uncheck ?Include photo.? If you want to see statistics about your individual posts, they?re now sitting just below the image. You also now have the ability to keep a post at the top of all your updates. Just click ?Feature this update.?

LinkedIn Company Page Update

Target Audiences

Moreover, you?ll probably notice that the targeting feature is more visible.

Targeted Audience LinkedIn Company Page

For instance, if you?re posting an update you think only small business employees would find interesting, then specify a target audience using company size. Then check ?1-10 employees? and ?11-50 employees.? When your update is posted, only followers who work for companies of that size will see the update. Other categories include industry, function, seniority, and geography.

Target Audience LinkedIn Company Page

Step 5: Add job listings

Is your company hiring? When you?re in ?Edit,? click the tab ?Careers? and then select ?Post a job.?

Posting jobs on LinkedIn isn?t free, but it can be useful to post openings on a website where so many professionals reside. Below is an example of one of our job postings on LinkedIn to give you an idea of how these can be organized.

Job Listing LinkedIn Company Page

Step 6: Add products and services

Setting up your ?Products? page and adding products or services can be the most time consuming part of optimizing your company?s new LinkedIn page.

The ?Products? page (shown below) can be edited to include a description of what your company offers, up to three banner images, a YouTube video, and audience targeting. To find all of this, go to ?Edit? and then select the ?Services? tab.

Services or Products Page LinkedIn Company Pages

Add Products and Services

Once you?ve finished setting up the main ?Products? page, you?ll be ready to add products and services (up to 25!).?For an idea of the types of products and services you can promote on your company page, we list Search Engine Optimization, our PPC Essentials Program, Social Media Marketing, Copywriting, and more.

To get started, hover over the arrow next to the ?Edit? button on your company page and click ?Add product or service.?

Give potential customers the best idea about your product or service by being thorough when filling out each field. Don?t forget to:

  • Include a URL for the product or service that points back to your company?s website (Step 7).
  • List an employee as a contact from your company. Type their name below Step 8 to select them.
  • Do you have a special offer for this specific product or service? Go to Step 9 and include the details.
  • Do you have YouTube video you?d like to include? Fill out both Step 10 and Step 11.

Add Services or Products LinkedIn Company Page

When finished, click ?Publish.?

Step 7: Measure your page?s success with Insights

If you?re not measuring how your page is doing, then you?re doing internet marketing wrong.?For your company page, LinkedIn Insights makes this easy.

Insights LinkedIn Company Page

Follower Insights

Click ?Follower Insights? and you?ll be taken to the page below. It keeps track of things like:

  • Company Update Engagement: How followers are interacting with your company?s updates, broken down into clicks, likes, comments, shares, and engagement percentage.
  • Follower Demographics: What industries do your followers work in? What?s the follower breakdown between non-employees and employees? Find out here.
  • Company Update Impressions: See how many impressions your updates have made month-by-month.

Follower Insights LinkedIn Company Page

Page Insights

On the other hand, ?Page Insights? keeps tabs on things like page views, page visitor demographics, unique visitors, and products and services page clicks. Like ?Follower Insights,? all of these can be broken down into several sub-categories.

So what?s the takeaway? Measure and learn. If company update engagement has decreased over the past few months, what are you doing differently? Maybe you?ve been updating too frequently and people aren?t sharing your updates as often. If that?s the case, update less and see if engagement increases next month.

How do you feel about the changes LinkedIn has made to company pages? Let me know in the comments section along with any questions you still have.


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